Sunday, 29 July 2012

The gentle art of dressage

An early start, a 7.15 rendezvous with Shirley at the London Eye pier, and a great Thames Clipper speedy trip down the Thames to Greenwich, passing under the Olympic ring bedecked Tower Bridge. 

London spectacular for the Games, and nowhere more so than Greenwich Park. The arena spectacular, with astounding views over the Queen's House and East London. The sky typically British, scurrying clouds, bright blue skies behind, and some hot sunshine. Rain threatened as we left, but we enjoyed a beautiful day. We had great seats, centrally placed at the end where two of the three judges were lodged.

The horses were stunningly beautiful, the sport initially unintelligible. 37 horses and riders doing their best to follow the same test, and dance the same intricate steps. Eventually I became better at working out the good from the bad. The crowd well mannered, learning not to applaud when the horses came in, only when they left. Two Germans and our very own Mary King were leading the field on magnificently schooled animals at the end of day 1, the remainder of the field to compete tomorrow. 

Shirley's picnic saved the day, as the food providers hadn't quite got it right, and the queues for food at lunchtime were 45 minutes long.

And then on to Hyde Park for the second treat of the day, a relaxing evening at TeamGB Clubhouse, VIP area for friends and families of the athletes, with Zan and Antonio (another special invitation from CBM). We had a drink or two, a splendid burger, and after meeting the Olympic mascot and watching some sport on a few of the many TV screens in the tented area were allowed into the Golden Circle for what would have been a Tom Jones concert but turned out (because he was ill) to be a Will Young concert instead. It was good.

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